Thursday, September 13, 2012



The Tribe fell to 0 and 2 at The Reservation this season falling to York 34 to 19. Penalties, turnovers, missed opportunities and a lack of execution doomed Gaffney Friday night. The Game was tied at 13 to 13 at the half only to have the Tribe to draw first blood in the 3rd quarter to go up 19 to 13. It should have been a sign of things to come, as they missed the PAT. Things went down hill from there for the Indians, as York out scored them 21 to 0 the rest of the way to leave Cherokee County with a big win over the Tribe and an unbeaten record. Gaffney falls to 2 and 2 on the season as they go into their open date.

My View From The Stands..... (1) I saw a very good effort from the Gaffney team Friday night but, they are still making way to many mistakes and they are not executing on offense. (2) I saw an offense still looking for an identity and a young defensive secondary struggling to make plays. (3) I saw a dominating performance from the Gaffney defensive front seven, as they forced five turnovers and had eight sacks. It was another dominant performance from Jaylin Miller with 4 sacks and several QB hurries. (4) I saw a Gaffney passing game that continues to struggle. It was their worst game of the season so far. QB Luke Lancaster went 9 for 28 for 147 yards and 2 INTs with 1 TD pass. I also saw receivers dropping passes, the QB not seeing open receivers and receivers running bad routes. (5) I saw Gaffney trying to be a running football team out of a shotgun spread offense. IT IS NOT GOING TO WORK!! To be a good running team out of the spread you have to have a threat of a passing game. WE DON'T HAVE THAT RIGHT NOW!!


The team, coaches and fans can't panic and give up on the season. They're is still time to fix it and get better. I think the players and coaches need to be held accountable for what they are not doing. Instead of talking about fixing the problems DO IT! I also think they need to try someone else at QB. I think Luke Lancaster has the talent to be a good High School QB but, he needs to sit and watch and try to learn from his mistakes. The coaches need to coach better as well. Hopefully we will see a better product on the field next Friday night against Dorman.


Since the Indians opened the season in week 0 they have an open date this Friday night. In my opinion the open date has come at a good time so they can try to find some answers and regroup to get ready for the start of Region 2 4A play next week against Dorman at The Reservation.

Until Next Time.

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